Hardwick Hall, the newer house
Yesterday we went to the coffee morning which is every friday morning. Now I know more people which are always there and they tell me something more about them. I talked to many people which I met before and after a little while I met a new woman. She was called Judi and is the wife of a vicar. They are not living here but they have a cottage here around in which they spend their freetime. They had a well-brought-up dog as well and so we had enough issues to talk about. The coffee moring was over at around 12 o'clock and then we managed to drive to Angela, J. foster-daugther. She was a little bit fed up from work and J. gave her Patch to cheer her a little bit up. We two drove to Hardwick Hall which was a famous english country house. Bess of Hardwick used to live in it. It is famous because it's front is made of glass and glass was a very precious and rare good. Hardwick Hall consists of two parts. One is the older ruin and the other one is the country house. It's part of National Trust and you can go through it and look at different amazing furnishing and equipment of the Elizabethan architecture.
Bess' newer house, portraits
The first tour was amazing because you could see many precious things(like wall-carpets, chests, ..) but I liked the old ruin more because it was guided by an audio-guide. We stayed at Hardwick Hall for many hours and returned home tired and exhausted. We had dinner and went straight into bed.
On the next day J. asked me if I would like to drive to Nottingham. Nottingham is only 20 minutes away and is a very famous city(not only for Robin Hood). I was happy that we went there because the city is very beautiful. It is historical (with it's many underground caves) but also modern. Many people are studying in Nottingham. It is known as a good university to study chemistry. The inventor of the brand "Boots" funded one of the two universities. We visited the Contemporary museum and watched an exhibition about African American in Birmingham Alabama. It was shocking but very intersting. After finishing that we had lunch outside on the terrace because the weather was so sunny. We also saw the lace market, an anglican church and different squares. From one of the shopping centres we could go underneath in one of the caves. We were guided through the cave and it was really intersting! We need to put helmets on and it looks really funny! In the caves it was cold and there have been many pubs underneath the ground. The guide also told us that the caves were used for gambling or other illegal activities. The children had to wear masks in the war time and the masks for kids looked like "Micky Mouse". J. told me afterwards that she had such a mask as well.
one underground cave from inside
We went home and had a typical english dinner made of sausages, mashed potatoes, baked beans, courgettes and onions and I must say it was delicious! We had a short rest and then we drove to a choir concert. It was good and made the day perfect.
I am happy to be here in England:)
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