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Manchester, Liverpool and Lyme Park

Dear all,

The new year has just started and I must admit I really needed the time off. It felt so good to be back home and I really enjoyed being far away from school and my job.
Although I love working with the kids it is sometimes really hard to be so far away from your boyfriend, your family, your friends and your whole life at home.

But nevermind. I will tell you about my last trip. So, just before the christmas holidays started I did another trip with my French friend M. Straight afterwards, I did not have time to wrote a travel summary so here it finally is:
On our last weekend we took an early train from Lincolnshire to Manchester and stayed the whole weekend in a hostel which was called "Hatters". I must say I cannot really recommend it although it was a recommendation in my travel guide. Although its location was really central, the hostel was very old and run down. But nevertheless, the enjoyed our trip.
On Friday we arrived at noon and had lunch in a nice pub which was close to Picadilly Gardens. I forgot the name of the pub but it was not a Weatherspoons although M loves this pub chain.
After dropping our luggage off, we started with a visit in the Manchester Museum which was located close to the University of Manchester. The Museum is quite big. It consits of four floors of displays and exhibitions in 15 different galleries. They display collections from all over the world. It was founded in 1821 and it has loads to offer.
I really liked the zoology collection and it really reminded me of the Natural History Museum in London.
Afterwards we went to several christmas markets. I had seen Manchester's  x-mas markets before but M really wanted to see them so we went to the German christmas market and the French one.
I was looking for a present for J and luckily I found a pretty brooch in green and white. I also showed M the nice stall with the Italian sweets which I had tried with my sister J and we both bought some for us.
 Manchester- Christmas Market

It was soo cold outside so we decided to have dinner in a cozy restaurant. Therefore, we had dinner in Nando's. I really love Nando's and whenever I have to choose a restaurant I think about Nando's because they have the best food and you can choose from a huge variety. I had a burger with fries and M had some chicken wings . It was spicy and sooo good.
We got back to our hostel, just played a game and went to bed early because we had big plans for the next day.
The next day was Saturday. We took an early train to Liverpool and our first stop was the Tourist Information Centre because none of us knew the city so far.
Liverpool City Centre

In the tourist information, a friendly man helped us to find our way and he even talked German to us. It was really helpful because he showed us the way to the Beatles Story which was close to the docks.

"The Beatles Story" is an interactive museum which sends you on a journey to discover the story of how the four boys from Liverpool became famous. For 12 pounds only(if you are lucky and you are a student. 15 for adults)  you get an audio guide which tells you the "Living History" of the band with exclusive quotes and reports. The story you listen to is narrated by John Lennon's sister Julia.
The tour through the museum is a journey from their childhood to their great success and after that the way to their solo careers.
You can see replicas of "The Cavern" which is the pub in which they performed their first gigs or feel the atmosphere in the "Abbey Road Studio".

All in all, we spent more than two hours in the museum because it was so interesting and although the Beatles existed before my time, I think they are sooo important for the development of not only the British but also the world-wide music industry.
The Beatles and me

After our long stay in the museum we decided that we would treat ourselves with a nice lunch and we went to "Bill's Restaurant" which is a restaurant chain which sells delicious food!
I would recommend a visit because it is really special and delicious.
Because we had more time to spend, I decided that I wanted to go the Tate Gallery which is close to the docks. Nontheless, M wanted to visit the Museum of Slavery. So, we both went our way and I am glad that I decided to go to the Art Gallery because it was really interesting and special. There was a special exhibition on Roy Lichtenstein. He was famous for his special Pop-Art and it was great to see some of his real masterpieces.
Because M and me both wanted to see the "Superlambanana"we met after our visits to the museums and went together to see the famous statue. Superlambanana is a yellow sculpture which is located in Tithebarn Street. It was a 15 minute walk from the city centre but it was worth it. The statue was designed to be a cross between a lamb and a banana and it comments on the dangers of genetic engineering.
Because sheep and bananas were both common cargos in the city's docks the artist Taro Chiezo designed it for Liverpool. Here you can see a picture of the famous statue:

Liverpool's mascot
Afterwards, we still had two more hours to spend in Liverpool so M and me did some shopping and I bought a really nice, yellow jumper and a present for my host-family.

We took the train back to Manchester which took us more than one hour. After arriving back in the hostel, we just went to have a small dinner in McDonalds and after that, we went straight back to bed.
The next day was Sunday and it was our last day. Unfortunately, it rained from 8 o'clock in the morning until we arrived back home but we did our best to forget about the miserable weather and enjoyed ourselves as much as possible.
We had planned to go to Lyme Park which is a National Trust property and not too far away from Manchester. It is close to Disley and it took us roughly 40 minutes from Manchester Piccadilly to get there.
We took an early train and had breakfast on our way (in the restaurant LEON which I absolutely love). In the morning they serve organic food like porridge, bagels or Breakfast Bowls and it is just soooo delicious. They also serve warm food for lunch but I haven't tried it yet. But the breakfast is just so good.
So we went to Disley and more explicitly to Lyme Park. The park has a house which you might know from the BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. In the adaptation from 1995 it was used as Mr Darcys Pemberly Estate.
The House

In Lyme Park, we wandered around the house and because it was the time before christmas there were special things going on. We listened to a choir concert which was just great. The choir sang chritmas carols and everyone could sing along.
Moreover, there were different talks and we listened to a talk about "Chritmas through the ages" which was really interesting. I learned the origin of the name of "Boxing Day" and that the Christmas tree was not brought to England by Queen Victoria, it was brought even earlier by Queen Charlotte from Germany, she was married to King Geroge.
But because Queen Victoria was depicted before a christmas tree legend has it that she brought it to England.
After the talk, we had lunch at the National Trust café (sandwiches and cake) and that was our day. I was glad that I joined M because when I woke up I thought "Should I really go to Lyme Park in this dreadful weather or not" but I decided to go and afterwards I was happy that I went.
We really enjoyed our rainy but nice day at Lyme Park and went home to Lincolnshire after a long, exhausting but very nice weekend.
That was our last weekend before the christmas holidays and hopefully my next trips will take place soon. I really want to go to York and Stratford- but let's see how it goes.
Next week I will also get more lessons in school so I have to check if I will have enough time to travel. Moreover, I need to finish a term paper for uni so that will keep me busy, too.
But one step at a time:)

 I will keep you informed (as usual),

With love,
A xxx


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Hi everyone! My last week at work was really really busy. It was kind of unsatisfying because I had so much work and did not get any reward for it and therefore I was really looking forward to spending the weekend away with my sister who knows me very well! So I was very happy to meet her on Friday and I really enjoyed the weekend with my sister. We met in Manchester Picadilly which is like the main train station in Manchester and we spent the whole weekend in this beautiful city.  I was really suprised because some people had told me before that Manchester would be rather rough and not too nice. Others, especially young people said that Manchester is really cool and that I should really experience the Nightlife .  So me and my sister, we  were open to experience the city without any prejudices and in the end the city proved the opposite.  We really had a great time in Manchester!! We did not only visited the Christmas market (where we drank one mulled wine f