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One week in Weymouth and Portland

Learning how to camp


This was my first real camping holiday experience for a longer time and I must say it was not too bad. We were lucky because the weather was good. It was most of the time sunny and we only had a little bit of rain. Every day it was nearly 20 degrees. The only thing that was not too good was that we had no electricity at our camp site. They also charged for Wi-fi which I dislike. But I was lucky because I could stay in a campervan instead of staying in a little tent by myself. It is more like living in a small house. We had two beds with mattresses, pillows and some blankets so I was not freezing in the night (like I was when we camped in Scotland). The showers and washing-up facilities looked nice and we had nice neighbours as well. The saling club was only 10 miles from our campsite away and there we spent most of the time. I met Bethan (N's daugther) and she is 18 and I liked spending time with her. She is not really into sailing so it was nice to speak about other subjects with her. We went to Abbotsbury to a famous swannery and it was fun! 

We did a whole tour through the swannery, completed a maze, did a quiz and we fed the swans. That was the best thing!
One day (Monday) I went to Weymouth and spent some hours there by myself. It is a pretty seaside town and it has a big beach and a pretty harbour. I wandered along the pedestrian zone, went into some shops, bought some postcards and spent some hours reading at the beach. It was so nice to enjoy the sun at the beach!

 Weymouth beach
 the harbour in Weymouth

Yesterday the weather was not nice so B and me did a big walk around the area of Portland. We walked up a hill where a jail was, went to the Olympic rings and from there we went to the lighthouse which was situated in Portland-Bill. We met J, H and N there and they invited us for cream tea (Scones with jam and cream and coffee). It was sooo delicious and really nice to spend the time chatting.

me in front of the olympic sign
The day ended with a self-cooked supper by B and me. B was allowed to choose the meal and she chose pasta with bacon and cheese sauce. We bought all the ingredients and cooked the supper together in teamwork. It was fun and everybody enjoyed the meal.
Today was our last whole day. We arrived early at the sailing club and met Allie and three of her four children. Her kids are called Milly, Sam and Johnny and we had a good time together. We went to see the windsurfer and had lunch together. After having lunch they left because they had to be at home early to pick up Becca (her 4th children). J's niece Rachel campe to visit us in the afternoon and we did a walk along Chesil Beach. The sun was shining and it was relaxing to watch the sea and throwing stones into the sea. 
Tomorrow will be another travel-day because we are going home. I must admit it was a nice experience, but I am also happy to go "home" to East Leake again. 
See you soon xxx


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