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Tea cruise or a chatty afternoon

An afternoon on the river Trent

This day started as every other Friday morning with the coffee morning in church. We helped to set up the tables and to serve tea and coffee and afterwards I helped Margret to get back home.
We only had 1 hour at home to refresh ourselves and then J. set off to drive to Nottingham. She had booked a cruise on “The Lady Trent”. That was the name of our boat which had two floors with room for 50 people. 


Our boat trip started at 2 o’clock or rather it should have started then. But because Wendy was late we set off at quarter past 2. But that was not a big problem. The crew was ever so nice and we all waited with cold drinks. It was really hot but when we set off the wind blow through the open windows.
They served a lot of tea and coffee and one could have as many drinks as one liked. Then they served sandwiches with a little bit salad and tomatoes and cucumbers. 

There was a huge variety of sandwiches so everybody liked it a lot. We had a guided tour over the river Trent. The captain explained everything and we came across all the nice brides, the war memorial and the administration building. I sat right next to Doris and that was really interesting because she worked for some years in that building. She is originally from Chesterfield but now she’s living not far away from Nottingham and she worked there for several years so that she knows her way through the city. She also mentioned that her parents took her out to Nottingham when she was younger. There is an “island” on the river Trent which is now totally overgrown but many years ago the island was a beach and the family spent nice, sunny days on it. We also came across many posh flats which are now owned by richer families. It would be really nice to live there a lot of them had a lovely view over the river Trent. 
We also came across nice little private boats. One was outstanding so I took a picture of it.
After some time the waitress served fancy cakes for example scones and éclairs. They were filled with a lot of cream and they were really delicious. 

Everybody was filled afterwards but we had a lovely time and a lot of laugther on the boat.
I would recommend it because the crew was so friendly and polite and the food was really good. When you are in a bigger group it is not too expensive and really nice for a sunny afternoon.


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