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Half term

Good Morning everyone! 

It is Friday, so this means I have my day off and enough time to write about my half term which was last week. I had eleven (!) whole days off which was just great. My journey started here in Gainsborough and I travelled with the Spanish assistant to Cardiff.


We went from here to London by train which was totally fine. But unfortunately, we booked a megabus to travel from London to Cardiff. Normally it would only take 3 hours but we had bad luck and some roads were closed so it took us 6 hours instead. So we arrived very late in Cardiff and went straight to bed. But Anna, my best friend from Germany, had already arrived in the airbnb and she could open us the door.
On our first morning we planned what we all wanted to see. We wanted to go to the musuem which is called "History of Cardiff" first to get an overview about the city and it's history. We spent nearly the whole day in the musuem, enjoyed lunch at an Indian restaurant and explored the city by foot. It was raining the whole day so we decided to watch a movie in the evening and just order food to our flat. We had Netflix in our flat so this was just perfect. We watched Pitch Perfect and a documentary about "Pentatonix". The weather on our next day was nicer. It was cold  but sunny so we booked the tour in a sightseeing bus and decided that we want to visit the Castle of Cardiff afterwards. It was not cheap to get inside the Castle  but it was definitely worth paying because we could explore the city with an audio guide and we heard all about the history of the mysterious castle.

We ate lunch in a very nice pub afterwards and we decided to treat ourselves with special ice cream! The ice cream shop was called "Bubble Waffle" which is a well-known chain here in England. I ordered my favourite ice-cream: salted caramel and chocolate brownie and I must admit it was ever so tasty!
The next day was our last whole day so we went on the bus tour again. It was valid for two whole days so we really made use of this ticket. We went to the Cardiff Bay and explored the Norwegian Church Arts Centre and afterwards we explored the Millenium Centre in which you can listen to musicals, concerts and many more. We just went inside and had a look because there was not any show on on that day. Afterwards my friend Anna and me treated ourselves and we went into a Nail Bar. She wanted a pedicure and I wanted an ordinary manicure. It was a nice gift from ourselves to ourselves=D

In the evening we watched "Notting Hill" and went to sleep quite early because everyone had to leave on the next morning. Anna and me went to London whereas Rocio went to Bath.


I have been to London before. So it was my 5th time spending in my favourite city. But every time is different and there is so much to explore that it never gets boring. I arrived in the afternoon and checked-in in my hostel which I had booked. It was my first time staying in a hostel on my own but I am really proud of myself that I managed it;)

Anna staying in a hotel with her boyfriend so I had time to wander around and I went shopping on Oxford Street. What else?!:D I met Anna and her boyfriend Manu in the evening and we went to the restaurant "Deliciously Ella" near Bond Street. Anna is vegan and it was my first time in a vegan restaurant but I must say it was really delicious! We ordered a big plate full of vegan food and enjoyed Carrot Cake and Victoria Sponge Cake as a dessert. The next day was so nice! The sun was shining and after a big English breakfast I went to Notting Hill/ Portobello Road Market. I wanted to go because I had just watched the movie "Notting Hill" again and it was an arty area! I was really impressed. After that I took the Underground to go to the Victoria and Albert museum where I spent my whole afternoon. There is just soooo much to see! They had a special exhibition on "Balenciaga" so I went to see this and it was really impressive.

Moreover, you can download the "V&A App" with which you can use as an audio guide. You can wander around the musuem and listen to the history of special pieces.
After that I enjoyed a snack in the sun and went to the Picadilly Circus and to the big shopping mall Harrods.

Later, I met Anna and Manu again and they wanted me to decide where we should go for dinner. So I wanted to go to my favourite British chain: Nando's! I just love Nando's. They serve spicy Chicken dishes so Anna ordered just chips, sweet potatoe fries and veggies but she said it is alright because we also went with her to a vegan restaurant the other day. So Manu and my enjoyed our chicken and afterwards we all went to "Deliciously Ella" again to enjoy another piece of cake. We really loved it so I can only recommend this restaurant. There are three restaurants of "Deliciously Ella" in London and she has a blog, an instagram account and also a youtube channel. So check her out!
It was our last evening so we strolled around London by night. I have never wandered around the city by night so this was a nice experience! We saw London Tower Bridge by night which you can see here:

On my next day I just wanted to go to Topshop again to buy a pair of trousers which I had seen the day before! I found them and then I had to hurry up to catch my train to East Leake to visit Judith for four days.

East Leake

And I was really happy to be back in East Leake! I missed the area and the people so much. I saw Patch, Judith's dog again and I went for a walk with him. Then I visited Pam and Paul, the couple with which I went on holidays with two years ago.

Moreover, Judith cooked a nice dinner for the two of us and in the evening I just went to visit Maggie again. She sits in a wheelchair but she manages so well! I really like talking to her. After that I just went to bed early because I was very tired from the whole journey. The next morning started as every Friday in East Leake with a coffee morning! I met ALL people again who I have met before and it was great talking to all of them. After coffee morning Judith and me cooked Cheese on Toast and we drank coffee because we were in a little hurry. Judith had to go to the bank to Loughborough and she intended to go for a big walk with Patch after being to Loughborough. So we did all this.

Judith wanted to go to the pictures in the evening so we decided to watch "Breathe". It is a biographical drama about a man who is called Robin Cavendish who became paralysed from the neck down by polio at the age of 28.  He then became a pioneering advocate for the disabled and he travelled around the world with the wish and hope to transform the lives of others.
It was really impressive but also really sad. We were happy to get to know more about the history of wheelchairs and disabled people all around the world.

The next day was my last whole day and it was busy again! Judith went with friends to a church and I went to visit her neighbours Jan and Max and Janette. I also went to another coffee morning in the village with Patch and afterwards Pam and Paul invited me to join them because they wanted to partake in a quiz night in West Leake. It was a quiz night in which two presenters showed us anitque objects and we had to guess what they were used for many years ago! We managed pretty well and got a score of 12 out of 20. We also ate traditional Fish and Chips and it was a nice and funny eveing.
When I got home I went straight back to bed because it was really late. The next day was my last day which was kind of sad because I really like staying with Judith, Patch and all her friends.
We went to church, ate lunch afterwards and Judith brought me to the train station because my train left at 2 o'clock.
She also gave me my christmas present so I have to start looking for something for her!:D
All in all, I had a lovely break! I enjoyed being away and exploring England.
Now, I am in a everydays-life rountine I was invited at French Ladie's House and I started my theatre project! But I will tell more about that next time. I will keep you updated(:

Best wishes, Antonia xxx


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