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Finally back in England!

My first days being back in Middle England 
You can not imagine how glad I am to be back in East Leake! It's great to be back. I really missed J and of course Patch. When I entered my room it really felt like I had never been away.
I came (again) by Eurostar and the journey was easy and without any difficulties.

It's the Holy week this week so everything is a little bit busy. I arrived on the late afternoon on Sunday and J welcomed me at the train station. We drove to her house and Jean and Max (Judith's closests neighbours came over to see us. We had a lovely meal: Oven baked potatoes, veggies and chicken wrapped in bacon and apple pie with ice cream for dessert.
After the delicious meal we played Scrabble and J helped me so that I really won the game!:D It is not easy to be good at Scrabble because they are experts and they really know all the small words which score a lot! It is neccessary to play tactical but I think I'm improving.
Here is one picture with Patch. I missed him a lot!

I woke up early on the next day because I had to be at N's house at quarter past 7. We drove to school and I experienced a whole day in an English secondary school. It was a comprehensive school with all sorts of children. Some of them were really clever and others needed more help. N. teaches German and a subject in which she supervises all kinds of projects. The students can then decide which topics they want to do research on and then they get N.'s help and support.
The papers had to have at least 3.000 words and some of the pupils were so eager that they wrote 10.000 words. It was due on Wednesday and many pupil handed their research papers in on Monday or Tuesday. Her German lessons were really interesting and I really liked year 12 which contained just two youngsters. They were REALLY good in reading and speaking Germand and I helped them with their pronunciation. The day went by and it was nice to gain the experience of seeing Germand being taught in an English school.
J. cooked a nice dinner and then I felt really sleepy so I went to bed early. The next day I had to be at N.'s a little later and then we set off to Shepshed. I had a really good day again and N brought many sweets and things for the pupils because it was her last proper day of teaching. That's so because the children get holidays on Wednesday. I just went to school for two days because N said the last day is so unusual, that it wouldn't make sense to accompany her on that day.
I went to church with J and met all the people I hadn't seen for 7 months now.

Today it is Paul's 70th birthday and it's a pudding party. I have never been to one but I'm really looking forward to see how it is like.
J already made 4 different puddings (pavlova, sticky toffee pudding, chocolate pudding and one more) and we are going to help serving.
I will keep on reporting about my days here but now I need to leave because I want to visit M who sits in a wheelchair. She cannot come to Paul's party and therefore I'm going to visit her.

I'll keep you informed. Love Antonia XXX


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