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Back home in good old Germany

Back to reality 

About a month ago I was still in England enjoying my time there and now I'm back home again. On the one hand it is nice to be back, to see all my friends again and to spend time with my family,boyfriend and my girls, but on the other hand it is also a little bit strange to continue life just as it was before I was away. It seems to me that time rushes even more and my time in England feels more like a dream in my mind than reality. 
In three weeks time my university courses will start again and I am anxious to see if my english improved so much that my profs and colleagues hear a (hopefully big) difference. Yesterday I moved back to Coblence in my own room in a flat in the city centre and had a nice suprise: My flatmates decorated my room with flowers and balloons and they designed a big sign which said: "Welcome Back,Toni!".

sky above Coblence 
Just because my journey is over doesn't mean that I won't stay in contact with J., P.&P. and Jackie. I really want to go back in my next semester holidays so I think I will write again about that journey. Another nice piece of information is that J. is going to visit her brother in December, so I am sure we will meet than. I'm really looking forward to see her again.
But at first I need to keep up studying in Coblence, because otherwise I won't become a good teacher. Haha. But I think it will be nice because I have really nice flatmates and other friends here so the next semester will be over very quickly. In the next weeks I will be busy because I want to visit Elena who moved from Coblence to Frankfurt in Frankfurt, I will visit my sister because it's her birthday in two weeks time and I will go to a big celebration party in cologne because my boyfriend finished his "Phsysikum". Don't worry about me I will enjoy my time!:)

But now it's time to say goodbye for a short time.
I really hope you all enjoyed reading my blog, and maybe I encouraged you to go abroad and visit and explore England.
Best wishes! XXX


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Manchester, Liverpool and Lyme Park

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